Thursday 16 May 2024

The Project Share Project - 16th May 2024

 Good Morning Everyone,

Happy Thursday and welcome to The Project Share Project. Every Thursday we will all share an individual blog post sharing one project from each of the other creators - maybe an inspiring card, a very fancy fun fold or simply a project that made us smile.

Verity Pursglove

Verity shared another couple of cards this week using the Choose Happy Stamp Set. I love the floral strip against the very simple plain background - makes it really pop. These are so pretty!  Here's the link which will take you to the blog post for more details on the cards -


Heather Forgan

I watched Heather create this project on a recent Facebook Live. Its cute and sweet and uses the most pretty of products - the Thoughtful Journey DSP is divine. Check out her blog to see how simple it is to create this fabulous gift bag. 


Craft with Jayne

Finally we have Jayne, who created  this pretty gift box using the Unbounded Beauty again - I love how Jayne is showing how versatile this Suite really is. The box was created to hold a scarf, but it would fit in A LOT of other goodies to giftHead over to her blog to get more details

I really do hope you have enjoyed this post today. I enjoyed taking a closer look at these ladies' project and picking a favourite to share with you! If you have a moment or two, please head on over to their blogs. Check out these projects and see what else they have created too.

If you are on Facebook, why not pop over and check out our community group Craft & Banter. If you have a passion for paper craft, are brilliant at baking or a super talented seamstress then we would love to see you there. We share all types of crafting, run challenges and giveaways & generally have a right good natter.

See you soon 



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